最近祈禱意向 Recent Prayer Requests
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Pearl Chan 姊妹, 她已獨自於十一月十二日(星期二)回港求醫。
Pearl 姊妹到港後已看了眼科醫生,下星期將轉介給心臟科醫生和呼吸專家,要再進一步檢查。另外有兩名眼科醫生將會提出另外意見。求聖神賜予這些醫生智慧和判斷,並有奇蹟相伴。 無論如何希望我們的禱告會帶給Pearl 姊妹平安、鼓勵和信心。主,我的天主,我們全心信靠禰!
Received: November 18, 2024
Please pray for Isabella Tam, she has recently diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis which is a chronic inflammation disorder affecting small joints. May Jesus place His healing hand upon Isabella to bring her healing, strength and comfort in whatever area she need it. Amen.
Received: November 18, 2024
Lord, we pray for Mr. Alice Chan who has been suffering from some mental health issues in the past years. Her condition has not been controlled by prescribed medication. Lord, we trust that your healing is beyond medicines. We put our trust and faith totally in You to cure her. We also pray that her family members, especially her husband, Mr. John Chan has sufficient support and means to help Alice and rely on You for strength and wisdom and effective strategies to face the difficult scenarios that happen on a daily basis. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Received: November 11, 2024
Please pray for the soul of Mr. Pham, 58 years old. He passed away at the end of October after falling in a hotel room during his vacation in Japan with his wife and daughter. May our merciful Lord accept his soul and strengthen his family members in this sudden loss.
Received: November 11, 2024
Please pray for the healing of Pearl Chan's eyesight of both eyes to be cured. After a few surgeries a few months ago, it had some good time, but the right eye has been getting worse. Let us pray hard for her to discern whether to go back to HK to seek advice from another specialist. May the Holy Spirit give signs to lead Pearl and her family.
Received: November 11, 2024
Received: November 11, 2024
Please pray for the repose of the souls of黄幗英and徐素映. May the Lord our God, by His Divine Mercy, grant Eternal rest unto their souls and all the souls in purgatory! May His perpetual light shine upon them in peace! Amen!
Received: November 11, 2024
大家主內合一為亡者 Theresa HONG 安息的靈魂安息祈禱, 望主賜予永安並以永光照之,息之安所得享天鄉; 祈求主耶穌的平安和慰藉臨在恩賜力量扶持亡者的家庭能夠節哀順變…逾越挑戰及悲傷。 主佑!