最近祈禱意向 Recent Prayer Requests

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!


Last week we prayed for Annie Dee to have no signs of cancer cells in her pancreas or in any other abdominal organs. Annie Dee would like to follow up with us. She received the result of her MRI. There are 2 lesions in her pancreas and they seem non-cancerous. Another scan will be done in 6 months. Annie is grateful for our prayers and asks for our continued prayer for her. Thank you!

提交日期 Received: January 31, 2023


Please pray for the repose soul of Fr Vincent. May the Lord our God, by His Divine Mercy, grant Eternal rest unto his soul and all the souls in purgatory! May His perpetual light shine upon him in peace! Amen!

提交日期 Received: January 31, 2023



提交日期 Received: January 31, 2023




提交日期 Received: January 31, 2023


Please pray for Jensen Liu in LA who is in stage 5 kidney failure.

May God heal him according to His Will, and reduce his pain, Amen!

提交日期 Received: January 31, 2023


請大家為Healing Grace Prayer Group 的團員Caterina Kwan 祈禱。 她前兩天進了醫院, 初時懷疑是輕微中風, 但現在仍待詳細檢驗觀察。 祈求主賜她身體無恙, 早日平安返家。

提交日期 Received: January 31, 2023


Please pray for 16-year old Colette. Last December, she was diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. She is now in an active stage of inflammation. The inflammations on her joints have been so active the last 2 weeks that she was not able to move much, especially in the morning. She suffers pain in most of her fingers, both knees and feet. It affected her daily life a lot. O Lord, in Jesus name, we ask you to lay your healing hand on Colette that the inflammation will go away and she will be healed physically and emotionally. Amen.

提交日期 Received: January 31, 2023



提交日期 Received: January 31, 2023


請為John祈禱。 在聖誕期間不小心跌倒,看似衹撞傷了唇,縫了針,但之後開始嚴重頭痛,留院了兩個星期都還找不出原因,身體開始虛弱,現在回家連自己洗澡都未能做到,跟未跌倒前判若兩人。以前雖然做過心臟大手術,但康服得超理想,所以現在還未知發生什麼事。懇請大家為John祈禱, 求主帶領他走出底谷!

提交日期 Received: January 31, 2023


請為 Daniel祈禱。 他腦部不知發生了 什麼問題,影響了他的視力嚴重減退,行動上亦開始有問題,連帶他的思維都受創。這種情況已經持續了7個星期,見過好多腦部神經專科醫生,但可惜仍然未找到問題根源。他心願是求聖母媽媽能夠帶領他走出困境,賜予他康復正常,並可以回到温哥華的家,同親友見面,懇請大家為他祈禱。

提交日期 Received: January 31, 2023

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