最近祈禱意向 Recent Prayer Requests

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Please continue to pray for Louisa Lim who’s thinking of assisted dying due to the terminal cancer diagnosis. Let us keep praying for grace in her heart to let go of the idea of ending her life through assisted suicide. Amen.

提交日期 Received: May 20, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

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Please pray for the repose soul of Neil Lewis Johnson. May the Lord our God, by His Divine Mercy, grant Eternal rest unto his soul and all the souls in purgatory! May His perpetual light shine upon him in peace! Amen!

提交日期 Received: May 13, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

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Please pray for a friend's sister. She was diagnosed with cancer on her leg and the doctor planned to have her leg cut. She was so upset that not to survive without her leg. She is not a Catholic .Merciful Jesus please grants her courage and strength to face and ability to struggle in such a hard time.

提交日期 Received: May 13, 2024

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請為Pearl Yiu右眼手術祈禱。手術將會在五月十四日星期二進行。她早前左眼前後做了兩次手術,未知結果,但影響了右眼眼壓升高,它是Pearl唯一可以倚賴的眼睛。請懇切地為這手術代禱。

提交日期 Received: May 13, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

P為此祈禱 Prayed for 2 次 times.


Janet from Sydney has an urgent request. Please pray for Louisa who’s thinking of assisted dying due to terminal cancer diagnosis.

O Father, please let Louisa feel loving touch and bring the comfort that only You can bring. Holy Spirit, please fill Louisa courage and strength to overcome this difficult time. Amen.

提交日期 Received: May 13, 2024

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Flora Hon

Please pray for the repose of the soul of my father Hon, Chung Yuen who passed away on May 2, 2012. May he rest in the loving arm of our Lord in the Heavenly Kingdom and enjoy the eternal peace.

提交日期 Received: May 9, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

P為此祈禱 Prayed for 2 次 times.



提交日期 Received: May 6, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

P為此祈禱 Prayed for 2 次 times.


請大家繼續為Francis Tsang 祈禱!感謝天父!Francis 的手術成功完成。這並不是小手術,要從手取皮肉組織移到脷底,並從大脾取肉組織填補到手,還需要在他頸開刀取一些組織化驗 ,現在仍然留院治療。求主護佑他,使他得到適切的治療,祈求不用化療,早日完全康復。為此,我們同聲祈禱,求主俯聽我們!亞孟。

提交日期 Received: May 6, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

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請為一位74歲行動不方便女仕祈禱 。她在香港獨居,身體有很多大小不同的毛病 。業主通知她年尾要收樓,她正千辛萬苦尋找地方居住。她的經濟不穩定,由於已退休了幾年,現在沒有稅單,因此租房很困難,連劏房業主也拒絕她。求天父慈悲地賜她一個安身的地方,不再每天生活在擔憂惶恐的情緒中,求主憐憫她!亞孟。

提交日期 Received: May 6, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

為此祈禱 Prayed for 1 次 time.



提交日期 Received: May 6, 2024

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