最近祈禱意向 Recent Prayer Requests

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!


請為Cabana Wong 祈禱。她於兩星期前心臟病發, 現時在家療養。 祈求仁慈的天父醫治她,及賜她家人平安。亞孟。

提交日期 Received: June 24, 2024


請大家為Teresa Lam祈禱。 她胃癌復發,體重驟降50磅。四年前發現時已做過手術,所以今次復發,只可做化療不可以再做手術。 她現在紅和白血球都偏低,她身體還有其他毛病。主,求禰憐憫保守醫治她。亞孟。

提交日期 Received: June 24, 2024


3-year Joselyn Hui was diagnosed with a cancerous mass in her brain and has spread to the spine. She has had a big surgery on Jun 19.

Thanks Lord! After ten hours operation, little Joycelyn’s surgery went well, but the cancer cell can’t remove all of it, we continue to pray for her recovery. Lord hear our prayers.

提交日期 Received: June 24, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

為此祈禱 Prayed for 1 次 time.


Please pray for the repose soul of David Lo. May the Lord our God, by His Divine Mercy, grant Eternal rest unto his soul and all the souls in purgatory! May His perpetual light shine upon him in peace! We pray for comfort and strength to sustain his family and loved ones. Amen.

提交日期 Received: June 17, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

為此祈禱 Prayed for 1 次 time.


請為陳業添David, 現於香港急病在明愛醫院,院方要安排做「心臟搭橋手術」。


提交日期 Received: June 11, 2024




提交日期 Received: June 11, 2024



提交日期 Received: June 11, 2024


請為Angela Siu 祈禱,她被確診患上肺腺癌!現還需要見其他醫生及多做一些檢查才可斷定期數及跟進治療。她並沒有任何病徵,是在自行進行篩驗時發現!希望最終化驗結果只屬初期,並能徹底根治。


提交日期 Received: June 11, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

P為此祈禱 Prayed for 2 次 times.


Pray for the Pope’s June Intention for Universal – For those fleeing their own countries

Let us pray that migrants fleeing from war or hunger, forced to undertake journeys fraught with danger and violence, may find welcome and new living opportunities in their host countries.

提交日期 Received: June 3, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

P為此祈禱 Prayed for 2 次 times.


Please continue to pray for Mr. Mak Tit Wah. We are thankful for the successful surgery and seek continued blessings and grace for his cell testing. We pray for his strength and resilience during this challenging time. May Jesus place His healing touch upon him, guiding him towards a smooth recovery. Amen.

提交日期 Received: June 3, 2024

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