最近祈禱意向 Recent Prayer Requests

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

我為此祈禱 I prayed

P為此祈禱 Prayed for 3 次 times.


Please pray for Mr. Joseph MA Lai Lun, aged 92. He was just baptized in December by Fr Paul Chu. He has been suffering from kidney disease and is in at an end stage now. The doctor advised the family to get ready as Mr. Ma may only last for a few days. Please pray that he will go to see God in peace and comfort. Amen.

提交日期 Received: February 5, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

P為此祈禱 Prayed for 3 次 times.


請為 Dorothy Ma 祈禱。她在家中昏迷,現正在急症室。李神父已給她抹油和禱告。 她的情況不太樂觀。請大家墾切地為Dorothy 代禱。求主保守看顧她。亞孟。

提交日期 Received: February 5, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

P為此祈禱 Prayed for 3 次 times.


請為一位在多倫多19歲中國女留學生Lenora 祈禱。她患上胰臟癌, 醫生診斷她只有一、兩個星期壽命,而她媽媽也正趕來加拿大陪伴Lenora走人生最後的一程。祈求仁愛的天主引領Lenora,在她母親溫暖的照顧下再回到衪身邊,並撫慰她媽媽悲痛的心靈。為此我們同聲祈禱。

提交日期 Received: February 5, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

為此祈禱 Prayed for 1 次 time.


Pray for the Pope’s FEBRUARY Intention - Universal intention – For the terminally ill

Let us pray that the sick who are in the final stages of life, and their families, receive the necessary medical and human care and accompaniment.

提交日期 Received: February 5, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

為此祈禱 Prayed for 1 次 time.


Please pray for Ben Kong who is at VGH ICU. He has lung cancer and is still waiting for cancer agency to start treatments.

O Lord, we lift up Ben Kong to you, and ask for your healing touch upon him, whatever this is, Lord, we pray for his full recovery to good health. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

提交日期 Received: February 5, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

P為此祈禱 Prayed for 3 次 times.


Please pray for David Lo, who has been in the VGH ICU for a few days now. He has heart and breathing problems. May God's mercy be on him and cure him. Amen.

提交日期 Received: January 29, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

P為此祈禱 Prayed for 4 次 times.


Please continue to pray for the healthy growth of baby Alex and for Jenna's family to find the strength and courage to navigate through this challenging time. Amen.

提交日期 Received: January 29, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

P為此祈禱 Prayed for 3 次 times.


Please pray for the homeless population, who face many challenges and hardships, especially during the harsh and cold weather. May the Lord our God grant them strength and resilience. Open doors of opportunity for shelter, food, and clothing. May the community be inspired to come together, offering support and assistance to those in need. Amen.

提交日期 Received: January 29, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

P為此祈禱 Prayed for 2 次 times.


Pray for the environment and the climate, which are under threat from human activities and natural disasters. We pray for the wisdom and courage of leaders and citizens to take effective action in protecting and restoring God's creation. Amen.

提交日期 Received: January 29, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

P為此祈禱 Prayed for 4 次 times.


求主保佑 Sr. Cecilia Hong /老弱病苦者 Mr.Ignatius Hong 早日全面康復。求主恩賜治愈力量及平安! 以上禱告奉主耶穌基督之名,天主之母為我等祈,我們同聲為此祈禱,謝主垂聽Amen

提交日期 Received: January 24, 2024

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