最近祈禱意向 Recent Prayer Requests

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我為此祈禱 I prayed

P為此祈禱 Prayed for 2 次 times.


Please pray for the repose souls of 陳業添and Mr. Shiu Ki Fung. May the Lord our God, by His Divine Mercy, grant Eternal rest unto their souls and all the souls in purgatory! May His perpetual light shine upon them in peace! Amen.

提交日期 Received: July 8, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

為此祈禱 Prayed for 1 次 time.


感謝讚美主!冼杏翠老師覆診後, 醫生確認是水瘤,不是癌症。並安排她在12月24日平安夜那天做手術。 請大家繼續為她的手術能得以順利完成祈禱。主, 求袮俯聽我們。

提交日期 Received: July 8, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

為此祈禱 Prayed for 1 次 time.


請為Joseph Chiu兄弟祈禱,他兩星期前感到十分不適,經過各項檢查,發現腦部有所感染,但仍未能查出是那種細菌感染,現仍留院接受醫生在各方面檢查,務求得到真正的病因。求主護佑他,使他能盡快得到正確結果,並可獲得適切的治療且能早日完全康復。為此,我們同聲祈禱,求主俯聽我們!

提交日期 Received: July 8, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

為此祈禱 Prayed for 1 次 time.


請為Agnes Fung祈禱。她最近做了screening mammogram and 做了Biopsy,發現左右胸有癌細胞,需要做手術及之後的治療。求主保守醫治Agnes, 手術順利成功。並求賜她的家人,勇敢、堅強,互相扶持共渡難關,全然交托給袮。亞孟。

提交日期 Received: July 1, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

為此祈禱 Prayed for 1 次 time.


冼杏翠老師已做了Pet C T scan, 報告要等7月3日覆診時才知道。


提交日期 Received: July 1, 2024


Pray for the Pope’s July Intention for evangelisation – For the pastoral care of the sick

Let us pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick bestows the Lord’s strength to those who receive it and to their loved ones, and that it may become for everyone an ever more visible sign of compassion and hope.

提交日期 Received: July 1, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

為此祈禱 Prayed for 1 次 time.



提交日期 Received: July 1, 2024

我為此祈禱 I prayed

為此祈禱 Prayed for 1 次 time.


Please continue to pray for Joselyn Hui, a 3-year-old girl diagnosed with a cancerous mass in her brain that has spread to her spine. May Jesus place His healing touch upon her, guiding her towards a smooth recovery. Comfort Joselyn and her family during this challenging time, and grant them strength and peace. Amen.

提交日期 Received: July 1, 2024


Please pray for the repose souls of Kate and John 李展坤. May the Lord our God, by His Divine Mercy, grant Eternal rest unto their souls and all the souls in purgatory! May His perpetual light shine upon them in peace! Amen.

提交日期 Received: June 24, 2024


請為冼杏翠老師祈禱。她剛過去周末在醫院做了CT scan,是卵巢腫瘤。醫生說可能在卵巢內,有10cm的囊腫。現不知是良性或是惡性,由於她有心律不正,如果做手術就會有風險,可能會有機會癱瘓!求天父眷顧保守醫治她,如果要做手術,賜她平安全心交托給禰!以上所求,是靠主耶穌基督之名。亞孟。

提交日期 Received: June 24, 2024

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